× Kinomap, Be on Track!
thereynes thereynes

5.584 mi
203 ft

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👀 Illegal Ride on 🚳⛔ Forbidden Trail 🚳⛔

This is for the rebel in you!

Well, initially this was a mistake. I should have turned around at the first gate, but kept going because I was recording. 🤣

I was expecting an easy section of trail along the Coyote Alamitos Canal. I should have googled it before trying to ride it. It turned out to be a quite different experience! I am not going to do this again, not until it is open to the public but I am glad I got to record it. They definitely made the last few gates tough to go around, but I made it! 😜

If the rebel in me
Can touch the rebel in you
And the rebel in you
Can touch the rebel in me
And the rebels we be
Is gonna set us free


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