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Meet 1800 sailboatTre Kronor af Stockholm (3/3)

This series of videos has the destination of a1800 replica Tre Kronor af Stockholm. These evening they were going to set sail and managed to catch it just before it set sail which will be part of the next series, "Following Tre Kronor af Stockholm ship".

The first segment is through very calm relaxing stretch along Djurgården to the left. Popular with motor boats and kayakers.

The second segment you will see Nordisk museum to the left and several of the embassies including the US embassy. Here the motor boats enjoy some sun bathing and swim. Not sure you can see but there is also a tour boat that also drives on land. You can probably hear it.

The thrid segment the water is bumpier and you get to see on the right the more exclusive areas of Stockholm, Östermalm, before cross towards Skeppsholmen. Before we reach Tre Kronor af Stockholm we see an impressive sailing ship converted into a hostel.


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