× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Malcolm Surgenor

13.265 mi
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Forth and Clyde Canal, Glasgow to Kilsyth, Central Scotland

Forth and Clyde Canal, Glasgow to Kilsyth

This wasn't a planned Kinomap video. I had been filming some UCI Cycling World Championship Routes that finished in the centre of Glasgow. The easiest way home for me after that - certainly avoiding any further hill climbs - is to follow the cycle path along the Forth and Clyde Canal.

Whilst I have filed this route before I realised that the last time I travelled it the new Stockingfield Bridge had not been finished. It's a £14m bridge that connects two parts of the canal in the centre of Glasgow. Previously I would have had to come off the canal path, cross a road, and go through a tunnel under the canal before climbing a small set of steps to get back on the canal path at the other side. Now the bridge cuts all that out. It's a fantastic and spectacular facility!

After that the route is very easy - apart from one mishap in Kirkintilloch where I didn't spot a set of steps and clattered down them on my bike!  See if you can spot how I made the mistake!  Enjoy.



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If you want to try some more of my videos from Scotland, try these:

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