× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Spotty Spotty

3.438 mi
351 ft

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Bellingham, WA - Whatcom Falls Park

There are three and a half miles of trails in Whatcom Falls Park. Many routes wind through the forests here, some overlooking the creek gorge and still pools. Some wind through open meadows, while others stay in deep forest.

A WPA-built stone bridge greets visitors, just 100 yards from the parking area. It's a beautiful, mossy wonder that makes a great destination in and of itself.

The route crosses the bridge by the falls immediately and winds and loops its way around the park and around the scudder pond.   with beautiful fall trails through the park, passing the crumbling railway Tressel bridge and passing by the trout ponds before returning back to the start point.

Video recorded at a fast walking pace but looks good at speed of a runner 6 - 8 mph)

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