× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour BorutOnTour

3.036 mi
207 ft

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Podsreda 🚶 Castle & Village

We are in a picturesque, hilly region. Follow an easy, downhill forest path between the castle and the village. The Podsreda castle (altitude: ~475m), built in the 12th century, overlooks the no less picturesque village of the same name, more then 200m below. Besides tourist rooms and apartments, several permanent art exhibitions are hosted in the castle, which functions mainly as a museum. The most part of its roof construction is closed to visitors, in order to protect a bat population living there. However, due to a pure chance, just moments before leaving the second highest level, in a split second you will see a small bat flying by!

[Recorded on 2024-10-09] I am mostly visiting some special places in Central Europe - by kayak, on foot and by bike. Follow me to stay informed, or see all my videos...

☮ Make love, not war. Stay free! Peace! ☮


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