× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour BorutOnTour

1.722 mi
135 ft

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🚶🏽‍♂️ Lake Krumpensee

On a perfect sunny autumn day, start from a green Alpine meadow and approach the small lake Krumpensee (altitude: ~1420m) from above, in a steady downhill. There are just two rather easy short uphills.

Soon after you see the lake for the first time, you will hear several alert sounds of an Alpine marmot colony. Watch into lower right screen quadrant and seconds later into the center of the screen. As soon as one marmot reaches home, the next one will start running towards it. Running pixels! How many can you spot?

Much later, a second after you see my full shadow in front of you, watch out not to fall down - there are some rather nasty rocks under your feet. :)

Enjoy the Alpine environment!

Mountain lakes playlists: Ride Mountain Lakes, Run Mountain Lakes, Row Mountain Lakes

More of my videos: Playlist about the Leoben region (central Austria, EU).


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