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RobiRini66 RobiRini66

11.804 mi
39 ft

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K151 Val Gerola Downhill

Val Gerola is a valley in the Orobie Valtellinesi Alps, in the province of Sondrio. It is one of the two branches into which the Bitto valley is divided, together with the Albaredo valley; for this reason it is also called the Bitto di Gerola valley. It is crossed by the Bitto stream, which gives its name to the well-known DOP cheese produced in the valley.
In the upper part, the valley is surrounded by various peaks, such as the Pizzo dei Tre Signori, the Pizzo di Trona, Monte Valletto and Monte Ponteranica. There are also several alpine lakes (Pescegallo, Trona, Zancone, Inferno) and huts (Salmurano, Trona Soliva, FALC)

This route is characterized by very precise changes of slopes that make pedaling more realistic

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About this area Ride also :

149. Val Gerola

150. Val Gerola - The climb

151. Val Gerola Downhill


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