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Langeoog - Flinthörn Naturlehrpfad

The Flinthörn is an area in the southwest of the East Frisian island of Langeoog, whose name is derived from the two terms flint (flint stone) and Hörn (flood hook). Since 1986, the Flinthörn has belonged to the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park as a quiet zone (protection zone I). Previously, the area had already been designated as a "Flinthörn Nature Reserve" since 1963 due to its outstanding importance for nature conservation. The distinct salt marsh and dune area developed over time from an independent accumulating sand plateau. According to historical accounts, the development of Flinthörn began when parts of the island village located on the neighboring island of Baltrum were destroyed after a storm surge in February 1825. The debris was propelled in the area of Langeoog's Flinthörn and formed obstacles for the drifting sand, which led to the deposition of sand. Thus began the dune formation of the first Flinthörn dune.[1] Favored by the Flinthörn dike built from 1937 to 1944, the dike foreland developed undisturbed from the sand plateau through the most diverse stages of dune development to the older gray dunes. All stages of dune formation can still be observed today. In addition, the Flinthörn is an important breeding, resting and guest bird area for wading birds and waterfowl. Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flinth%C3%B6rn


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