× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Malcolm Surgenor

4.563 mi
568 ft

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Brightons to Torphichen, Central Scotland

Brightons to Torphichen

I had always wanted to visit the village of Torphichen with its church from 400AD and 16th-century preceptory but I didn't pick the right day weather-wise for this first visit.  It was a grey and misty morning with quite a bit of fog around. Still, it's quite a long climb to get there so worth the ride for the exercise if nothing else. 😊

The ride is all on public roads. some of which are quite busy with lorry traffic which is quite scary at times - but you don't have to be concerned with that. There is one brief stop towards the end when my chain came off - a first for me on this bike.


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