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Panoche Hills ┃Part 2 - Millions of Flowers from Park Entrance to Scenic Overlook (Ultra HD)

Enjoy the beauty of a Superbloom day in the Panoche Hills! But, what is a "Superbloom" and why?

Panoche Hills Recreation Area is a low mountain range in the Southern Inner California Coast Ranges System, in western Fresno County, California. The hills are east of the Diablo Range, on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. They define the eastern side of the Panoche Valley. If you go ride in the Panoche Hills, make sure that you stay at the Mercey Hot Springs and enjoy the hot bath!

As always, choose Discovery mode and turn the sound ON for a more realistic and immersive experience. Choose Challenge mode if you are in a racing mood.

For your maximum enjoyment, this video was recorded and Uploaded in 4K Ultra HD


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