× Kinomap, Be on Track!
dooleyk dooleyk

18.55 mi
771 ft

- 关注Kinomap

Alexandria > Reston, Virginia

Ride from Alexandria, Virginia, to the start of the W&OD rail-to-trail bike path in Arlington County, and then west to Reston, Virginia. I had continued on the bike path to its end at Purcellville, Virgnia, but the backup battery for my camera became disconnected causing the camera batter to die at Reston. I'm disappointed because I went on to see a lot of wildlife along the trail, including deer, foxes, and a flock of chickens and a rooster! One of the chickens even crossed the road in front of me. And now I know why; to get out of my way because I was coming fast! Oh well, perhaps next time.


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