× Kinomap, Be on Track!
zulumatata zulumatata

2.496 mi
1490 ft

- 关注Kinomap

🏆 🔺Col de Breithorn 2450m (uphill - only the scenic part)

Physically tought, mentally a bit crazy with a superb panorama on the top and an astonishing downhill ride.

In reality you will ride this with a MTB.

This steep up-hill ride goes from Bächerhyschere to col de Breithorn includidng 14 switch backs with a steepness of always around 15%+-. The panorama of the mountains are just unbelievable once you past the 10th switch back in the forest. The downhill into the Saflischtal towards the pitoresque village Binn is just astonishing. This ride is about 1/4 of the epic Stoneman Glaciara !

The ride is available in two parts:

- part 1: Col de Breithorn (full uphill - only for the strongest)

- part 1: Col de Breithorn (uphill - only the scenic part on the top)

- part 2: Col de Breithorn (scenic downhill)

Enjoy your challance an choose your gear on the bike wisely or use the app to reduce to resistance ...


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