× Kinomap, Be on Track!
RobbieRensenbrink RobbieRensenbrink

3.969 mi
3 ft

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Famous Australian Downhills, State Of Victoria, Mt Macedon South.

This downhill I have recorded the highest speed ever on my bicycle but I have learned my lesson in the meantime. This time I kept myself on the new speed limits. Mt Macedon is located at the towns of Mt Macedon and Woodend. The south climb of Mt Macedon is feared by many cyclist with slopes up to 14%. There is also the North side climb which is more gentle with slopes up to 10%. The 2 minor climbs are Straws Lane and Alton Rd which is called Alton D'Huez by the cyclists. The latter has a few steep gradients and ends with a gravel section. There are 4 main different sealed roads to climb or descend Mt Macedon. Macedon Road south & north, Straws Lane and Alton rd, aka Alton D'Huez.


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