× Kinomap, Be on Track!
miw61 miw61

15.041 mi
656 ft

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Danish Championship_2022_Part_2_Big_Lap

Danish Championship 2022 Men Elite Course Inspection The Men Elite will ride 50 km out to a 25 km lap. This is covered in video 1. Then they will do 2 big laps on the 25 km course. One of the big laps is covered in video 2. After the 2 big laps they will return to the finish line covering additional 30 km. This is covered in video 3. After passing the finish line for the first time they will do 7 small laps of 11,5 km each. Video 4 is covering one small lap and as shown it is quite steep where I was passed by a cyclist on a electric bike :-)


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