× Kinomap, Be on Track!

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St.Michael 🚶 R.I.P.

What is this old military graveyard in St.Michael about? Details in German (worth of automatic translation, even if it is a page of the Austrian army), but in short: Where nowadays is a highway crossing, in 1809 was a large meadow, red of French and Austrian soldiers' blood. Where nowadays we visit a soldiers' graveyard, in 1915 was a military hospital for the whole Austria-Hungary, including the Russian POWs. Many died of typhus. Look at their names. They are now all together, in peace, united under the flowers... 

You will probably say: Napoleonic wars, Austrian Empire, 1809 - long time ago, who cares! WWI - our grandparents are dead since long, who cares! WWII - hey, but you are filming this in Austria, weren't they all bad guys - probably they deserve it?!

And I say: A war is a shit! Those that are dead wanted to live. Most probably did not want to go to fight, but could not escape/desert it, or were ashamed to be a "coward", or went "for the fatherland... for freedom... for the great cause... since we are the right ones, the good ones, the better ones... since the others are bloodthirsty animals not worth of living... to save our women and children... because the God is with us... for the God's glory... while the others are not believers... while the others are believers... while our time has come... to bring democracy and culture to the others... to free the others of their authoritarian regime - to bring them freedom... because the others have mass destruction weapons... for our values... to defend our religion and our continent... because the others are too near already... because we all know the others are evil... because the chief of the others is a mad person... <put here your own good noble cause>". Shit, all of it! Enough is enough! Lay Down Your Arms! (Far far away in space and time, at the ominous Isonzo/Soča river WWI front, my grandmother's brother Marko had to die too... Shit!)

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮




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