× Kinomap, Be on Track!
zulumatata zulumatata

6.517 mi
217 ft

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⛱️🎯The beauty of Mallorca (1/9): Sineu to Petra

Enjoy a series of short and easy rides in the heart of Mallorca. You will ride from one village (plaza central) to another one - nine times in total, until you reach the starting point again.

Enbjoy Mallorca cycling as it is.

Here is he plan for the videos:
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (1/9): Sineu to Petra
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (2/9): Petra to Ariany
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (3/9): Ariany to Santa Maria de Salut
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (4/9): Santa Maria de Salut to Santa Margalide
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (5/9): Santa Margalide to Muro
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (6/9): Muro to Búger
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (7/9): Búger to Llubí
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (8/9): Llubí to Costitx
The beauty of Mallorca cycling (9/9): Costitx to Sineu


Video recorded and uploaded in 2.7k format.

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

See all my rides on the map

See also my playlists


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