× Kinomap, Be on Track!
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10.803 mi
318 ft

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Drauradweg R1 - Rosegg to Villach

A trip along the beautiful Drauradweg R1/ River Drau Cycle Path. We join the Drauradweg at Rosegg, and cycle through lovely pastures, pretty Carinthian villages, woodland trails and along minor roads and cycle paths. Finally, we arrive at the beautiful Carinthian town of Villach. More information regarding the Drauradweg can be found here: https://www.drauradweg.com/en/ The Drau cycle path - The south side of the Alps. From the Dolomites to the Pannonian Plains, the Drau cycle path was the first eBike cycle path in Europe to be awarded 5 stars. In total, this 510 kilometre path runs from the world-famous Drei Zinnen at Toblach/Dobbiaco through to the Pannonian Plains as you finally reach Varaždin, Croatia. Along the way it passes through the beautiful region of Carinthia in Austria, as well as stunning Slovenia. You'll be able to enjoy warm alpine bathing lakes, sleepy villages, lively towns and glorious mountain scenery. For more information, including accommodation, maps, stages and more - visit: https://www.drauradweg.com/en/ 


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